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Rumours Restaurant & Bar Camposol
(November 24, 2008)On Monday 24th November 2008 I gave an Evening of Mediumship in 'Rumours Restaurant & Bar' in Camposol. It was a very enjoyable evening even though I was under the weather with a severe Head Cold which affected my voice. But the assistance of the audiences Energy and my True and Trusted Friends in Spirit, we managed to have a successful evening. A special thanks goes out to the lovely lady who gave me Spiritual Healing at the end of my Demonstration of Mediumship, I really appreciated that. That is what I call a truelly Spiritual Person, someone who always thinks of others and tries to help them whenever they can. God Bless you.

During the evening we also had a raffle in aid of 'Paul Cunningham Nurses', and I thank all those people who assisted with this. At the end of the evening I was thanked by various people for the work I done, and some gave good confirmation that my Evidence was accurate. This is very much appreciated, as most Mediums don't get enough confirmation, thank you all.